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Surrender Your Furry Friend

Furry Friends Animal Rescue QLD acknowledges the difficulty of surrendering your cat due to various unavoidable circumstances, assuring you're not alone or at fault. While they aim to assist, they cannot guarantee fostering or rehoming, especially for adult cats. They offer options and suggestions to help in this situation.

Before considering surrendering your cat, Furry Friends Animal Rescue QLD suggests trying to rehome it yourself by:


  • Ask friends and family if they would like your cat(s).

  • Post in your local community Facebook groups.

  • Post the situation on your own social media channels and beg your friends to share - your network is often wider than you know.


If rehoming efforts fail, you're encouraged to fill out a surrender form. Due to limited capacity, especially for adult cats, it may take weeks or months to find a suitable foster home. Owners can opt to foster their cat during the adoption process; this should be indicated on the surrender form. The organization's team reviews surrender forms and the waitlist weekly to find appropriate foster homes. Upon finding a match, they will email an offer of assistance, which requires a response within 24 hours, or the opportunity will pass to the next pet on the list. Meanwhile, exploring other rehoming services like AWL, RSPCA, Peninsula Animal Aid, or Little Legs ARQ is advised.


Furry Friends Animal Rescue Queensland thanks its community for their ongoing support.

© 2024 Furry Friends ARQ.

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